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Make and Break Services

Services Make & Break Services

Torquemaster Griffith Breakout machine (Make & Break Services)

Make and Break

Torque with precision

Our Torquemaster Griffith is a hydraulically driven breakout (Make & Break) machine with the ability to service rotary- shouldered connections on tubular components such as oil and gas well drilling tools and similar equipment ranging in size from 2 ¾” to 14” in diameter and torque capacity 5,000 to 150,000 lb-ft.

The make and break machine consists of a bed complete with a fixed headstock chuck, a moveable tailstock chuck that applies the torque, a hydraulic spinner, and a hydraulic console unit with digital torque logger.

Need to make and break threaded connections?

Our experts make sure your equipment is torqued to precision to reduce the chances of error.

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