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Extend the lifespan of equipment

Quality equipment needs to remain in good shape. Our oil and gas services ensure you can use equipment longer and save money in the long run. Our workshops are fully equipped to deliver fast, safe and reliable maintenance on your equipment.

Dosco Romania Oilfield Make & Break Services

Make & Break Services

Torque with precision

Our Torquemaster Griffith is a hydraulically driven breakout machine with the ability to service the rotary- shouldered connections on tubular components such as oil and gas well drilling tools and similar equipment.

Ultimate torque precision

Pressure Testing

Certified testing for well-safety

Our workshop is equipped with pressure testing facilities to offer premium pressure testing services to meet and exceed the highest standards. We have the capacity to do pressure tests for oilfield equipment used in Workover and Drilling activity.

Test to be safe
Pressure Testing Oil & Gas Services
Maintenance and repair to Oil & Gas equipment

Maintenance & Repair

Get equipment back into excellent shape

Our facilities are equipped to bring your equipment back into excellent shape. You only have to send us your equipment and we will do the rest. We clean, inspect, repair and refurbish everything and get it back to you when it’s ready. Fully serviced and ready to get back into action.

Equipment back into action