Partner profile
Drilchem – Loss Control Experts
Drilchem has been fully committed to the drilling fluids technology for nearly twenty years. Through extensive research and development (R&D), Drilchem combines proven products with new innovations to offer the most comprehensive Drilling Fluids additive in the industry.
The use of fiber based technologies to prevent loss during the drilling process to save customers considerable time and cost through optimizing well productivity and pay zone extraction. The unique particle size distribution, not only works as Loss Prevention and Loss Circulation Material but also it is now the product of choice whenever hole stability issues are encountered.
It successfully seals the micro fractures in shales and thereby reduces the use of (expensive) inhibitive chemicals. The products recognized as “Green” products and are exempt from REACH registration under Annex V thus it is allowed for discharge to the sea and land in European. The products are covered by ownership of intellectual property in the form of worldwide patents or copyrights.
Dosco is the exclusive distributor of Drilchem products in Europe. This partnership gives Dosco the ability to supply Drilchem products and technical services competitively with short lead-times to operations at any location on the European continent.

FRACSEAL™ is a finely sized (micronised) organic cellulose fibers that is used to:
- Minimizing fluid invasion
- Stabilizing unconsolidated sand formations
- Reducing torque and drag in highly deviated wells
- Stabilizing shale
- Stabilizing coal beds
- Improving return permeability

A proprietary “single-sack” broad spectrum blend of sized and shaped materials designed to be effective in curing severe to total lost circulation. STOPLOSS™ is ideal for use in highly fractured/vugular formations without the addition of other conventional LCM.
STOPLOSS™ is packaged such that it can be used in remote area or where there is limited space for materials storage. It is thermally stable to > 450oF, 100 % Biodegradable and can be used in all type of drilling fluids.