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Commitments & Policy

Committed to Safety

Dosco Petroservices Romania S.R.L. as an experienced oilfield service provider is committed to provide, as is reasonably practicable, a safe and without risk to health working environment for its employees, contractors and neighbours, to support local environment and to implement training, safety initiatives and internal controls necessary to achieve our commitments. We require a strong commitment and accountability to Quality and HSSE from all our employees and contractors.

It is the policy of our company to be in compliance with all applicable local laws and regulations, which is regarded as the minimum standard to be achieved.

Our Goals

Our goals are simply stated – create proactive health and safety, care for the environment and deliver on our promises to our customers.

We will

  • Comply with the relevant occupational health and safety legal and other requirements, the standards of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 / ISO 45001;
  • Comply with applicable environmental laws and care for the environment by recycling the waste, improving employee awareness and being a responsible neighbour;
  • Consult with our employees, contractors, customers, shareholders and impacted communities to improve decision making on HSSE matters;
  • Continuously improve the service we provide to meet or exceed our customers’ requirements and ensure continuous customer satisfaction on our services and products;
  • Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health, as well as to provide adequate control of health and safety risks appropriate to the nature of our company’s activities;
  • Drive continual improvement based on measurable quality and HSE performance objectives, auditing and monitoring health and safety performance of the company and our contractors;
  • Demonstrate strong management involvement in QHSSE and commitment to the continual improvement;
  • Provide the employees with the appropriate personal protective equipment;
  • Develop staff health and safety competencies and accountabilities through appropriate development programs;
  • Implement emergency procedures, including evacuation in case of fire or another significant incident;
  • Communicate openly with the stakeholders, ensure this policy has been applied throughout the organization, the resources are available to make our commitments in this policy happen and that it is available to any relevant interested parties; and
  • Review regularly this policy to ensure ongoing suitability.

Our employees and contractors

  • Are empowered and expected to stop any unsafe job.
  • Should adopt to safe work practices and fully comply with the QHSSE Policy and procedures and to timely report safety hazards, unsafe work practices or non-compliance.
  • Are responsible for the quality of their work.


As a condition of employment, all employees are required to comply with all the HSSE rules and regulations. Each employee understands that they are Individually responsible for their own safety and the safety of those around them. Managers and supervisors are directly accountable for QHSSE performance in their area of responsibility.

Our Policy was revised in September 2020.

Angajat în siguranță

Dosco Petroservices Romania S.R.L. fiind un furnizor de servicii experimentat in industria petrol si gaze se angajeaza sa ofere,asa cum este rezonabil posibil, un mediu de lucru sigur si fara riscuri pentru sanatatea angajatilor, contractorilor si vecinilor sai, sa sustina mediul local si sa implementeze instruirile, initiativele de siguranta si controalele interne necesare pentru a isi atinge angajamentele. Avem nevoie de un angajament puternic si responsabilitate fata de Calitate, SSM si Mediu din partea tuturor angajatilor si contractorilor nostri.

Politica companiei noastre este sa fim in conformitate cu toate legile si reglementarile locale aplicabile, acest lucru fiind considerat ca fiind standardul minim care trebuie atins.

Telurile noastre

Scopul nostru este pur si slmplu declarat – sa fim proactivi in sanatate si slguranta, grija pentru mediu si indeplinirea promisiunilor fata de clientii nostri.


  • Respecta legislatia locala relevanta privind sanatatea, siguranta si standardele internationale ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 / ISO 45001;
  • Respecta legile locale de mediu aplicabile si proteja mediul prin reciclarea deseurilor, imbunatatirea gradului de constientizare a angajatilor si prin a fi un vecin responsabil;
  • Consulta angajatii, contractorii, clientii, actionarii si comunitatile implicate pentru a imbunatati luarea deciziilor in materie de SSM si Mediu;
  • lmbunatati continuu serviciile pe care le oferim pentru a depasi cerintele clientilor nostri si pentru a asigura satisfactia continua a clientilor cu privire la serviciile si produsele noastre;
  • Preveni accidentele si imbolnavirile la locul de munca, precum si asigurarea unui control adecvat al riscurilor pentru sanatate si siguranta adecvate naturii activitatitor organizatiei;
  • lmpulsiona imbunatatirea continua pe baza obiectivelor masurabile privind Calitatea, SSM si Mediul si auditarea si monitorizarea performantelor in materie de sanatate si siguranta ale companiei si ale contractorilor;
  • Demonstra puternica implicare a managerilor fata de Calitate, SSM si Mediu si angajament in imbunatatirea continua;
  • Furniza angajatilor echipamentele adecvate pentru siguranta acestora;
  • Dezvoltarea competentelor si responsabilitatii in materie de sanatate si siguranta a personalului prin programe de dezvoltare adecvate;
  • lmplementa proceduri pentru situatii de urgenta, incluzand evacuarea in caz de incediu sau alt incident semnificativ;
  • Comunicarea deschisa cu partile interesate si asigurarea ca aceasta Politica a fost aplicata in intreaga organizatie si ca aceasta este disponibila tuturor partilor interesate relevante;
  • Prezenta politica este revizuita periodic pentru a asigura adecvarea continua.

Angajatll si contractorii nostri:

  • Sunt imputerniciti si este de asteaptat sa opreasca orice activitate nesigura.
  • Trebuie sa adopte practici de lucru sigure si sa respecte pe deplin politica si procedurile de Calitate, SSM, Mediu si sa raporteze in timp util pericolele de siguranta, practicile de lucru nesigure sau neconformitatile.
  • Sunt responsabili pentru calitatea muncii lor.


Ca o conditie de angajare, toti angajatii sunt obligati sa respecte toate normele si reglementarile SSM si Mediu. Fiecare angajat intelege ca este responsabil Individual pentru propria siguranta si pentru siguranta celor din jurul lor. Managerii si supervizorii sunt direct responsabili pentru performanta fata de Calitate, SSM si Mediu in zona lor de responsabilitate.

Our Policy was revised in September 2020.

Objectives & Targets


  • Protect employees from any health hazards that may be associated with their work.
  • Provide accident free work environment to employees.
  • Maintain compliance with all applicable local HSE legal/regulations and ISO standards.
  • Improve HSE culture.
  • Improve QHSE performance.
  • Maintain customer satisfaction.
  • Reduce nonformormities.
  • Minimize impact on the environment.
  • Encourage and reward safe behaviours.


  • Zero Fatalities (FAT)
  • 100% annual compliance of Management Review Meetings
  • 90% annual compliance of Management Walk arounds
  • 90% of ISO compliance
  • 100% annual compliance of emergency drills
  • 10% reduction of Near Miss/Hazards
  • 90% reporting of all internal/external audits and follow up on the findings
  • 90% personnel QHSE training compliance
  • Lost Time Injury Rate 0.5 incidents per 1 million hours
  • Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) 0.45 (injuries per 1 million hours)
  • Total Recordable Occupational Illnesses Frequency (TROIF) 1.0
  • 10% reduction on nonconformities
  • Zero environmental spills